James 2:17-24, Faith that Acts
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# Faith that Acts ## James 2:15-24 --- # What does it **mean** # to **believe** in God? >>> + **acknowledge** higher power? + ⇒ **doctrine**? + **feel** oneness and constant companionship? + ⇒ **comfort**? + **do** good to fellow man? + ⇒ **works**? --- ## James: **Keep the Faith** [###](#/outline "secret") + Stands the **Test**
+ Demands a **Change** of Heart
+ Loves **Impartially**
+ **Acts**
>>> 1. **Joy** in Trials 1. **Wisdom** Given Generously 1. **Boasting** in Our Weakness
1. Shun **Anger** 1. **Accept** the Word 1. **Act**, Don't Just Listen 1. **Abide** and Obey
1. **Faith** of the Poor 1. **Pride** of the Rich 1. **Law** of the King --- [15](# "ref") Suppose a brother or a sister is without **clothes** and daily **food**. [16](# "ref") If one of you says to them, “Go in **peace**; keep **warm** and **well fed**,”
but does **nothing** about their physical needs, what **good** is it? [17](# "ref") In the same way, **faith** by itself,
if it is not accompanied by **action**, is **dead**. [James 2:15-17 (NIV) (p. 1/5)](# "ref") --- [18](# "ref") But someone will say,
“**You** have faith; **I** have deeds.” Show me your faith **without** deeds,
and I will show you my faith **by** my deeds. [19](# "ref") You believe that there is **one God**. Good!
Even the **demons** believe that — and shudder. [James 2:18-19 (NIV) (p. 2/5)](# "ref") --- [20](# "ref") You foolish person, do you want **evidence**
that faith without deeds is **useless**? [21](# "ref") Was not our father **Abraham**
considered **righteous** for what he did
when he **offered** his son Isaac on the altar? [James 2:20-21 (NIV) (p. 3/5)](# "ref") --- [22](# "ref") You see that his **faith** and his **actions**
were working **together**,
and his faith was made **complete**
by what he **did**. [23](# "ref") And the scripture was fulfilled that says,
“Abraham **believed** God,
and it was credited to him as **righteousness**,”
and he was called God’s **friend**. [James 2:22-23 (NIV) (p. 4/5)](# "ref") --- [24](# "ref") You see that a person is considered **righteous**
by what they **do** and not by faith **alone**. [James 2:24 (NIV) (p. 5/5)](# "ref") --- ## Faith that Acts [(Jam2b)](# "ref") 1. More than **Intentions** [15-17](# "ref") 2. **Integral** Life [18-19](# "ref") 3. **Impacts** the Heart [20-24](# "ref") --- Suppose a brother or a sister is without **clothes** and daily **food**. [James 2:15 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + **sister**: explicit mention unusual + **brother**: within own church + Diaspora: as church **spreads** + all **walks** of life + not saving world, **start** close + **naked**, lack **food** of day --- If one of you says to them, “Go in **peace**; keep **warm** and **well fed**,” but does **nothing** about their physical needs, what **good** is it? [James 2:16 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + be **warmed** / warm **self**: m/p + be **filled** / satisfied + good **intentions** + **necessities** of the **body** + What is the **benefit**? + to brother / to self + e.g., hubby worries about global warming, international trade, Trump + wife worried about dinner tonight --- In the same way, **faith** by itself,
if it is not accompanied by **action**, is **dead**. [James 2:16 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + even "thoughts + prayers" not enough + prayer of **faith** ⇒ **obey** + not just help **poor** + anything God **asks** of us + or we **commit** to God + better to **not promise** but **do** + than **promise** and **not do** + **parable** of Jesus: **Read** --- There was a man who had **two sons**. He went to the **first** and said,
"Son, go and **work** today in the vineyard." [29](# "ref") "I will **not**," he answered,
but later he **changed** his mind and **went**. [Matthew 21:28-29 (NIV) (p. 1/2)](# "ref") --- [30](# "ref") Then the father went to the **other** son
and said the **same** thing. He answered, "I **will**, sir," but he did **not** go. [31](# "ref") **Which** of the two did what his father wanted? [Matthew 21:30-31 (NIV) (p. 2/2)](# "ref") >>> + to **chief priests** in Jeru *(23)* + lots of **promises** to God + **tax coll** + prostitutes *(32)* + **believed** John the Baptist --- # What **promises** have I made to God without **action**? >>> + tangible **aid** to needy brethren + **obedience** to God's command + good **intentions** not enough! --- ## Faith that Acts [(Jam2b)](# "ref") 1. More than Intentions [15-17](# "ref") 2. **Integral Life** [18-19](# "ref") 3. Impacts the Heart [20-24](# "ref") >>> + **integrity**: one whole person + on **bus** / w/**parents** / **classmate** + **same** person as + at **church**: sing / pray + faith is **incomplete** if + only at **church** + having both **doctrine** + **action** --- But someone will say,
“**You** have faith; **I** have deeds.” [James 2:18 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + division of labour, specialisation + not all "**doers**" + be manager, CEO + e.g., directing wife how to cook --- You believe that there is **one God**. Good!
Even the **demons** believe that — and shudder. [James 2:19 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + not just intellectual **assent** + or correct **doctrine** + e.g. **proving** God exists + ⇒ need **obedience** + **integrate** faith + works + **child-like** faith + obey: > + **memorise** entire Bible --- “A new **command** I give you:
**Love** one another.
As **I** have loved you,
so **you** must love one another. [35](# "ref") By this everyone will **know**
that you are my **disciples**,
if you love one another.” [John 13:34-35 (NIV)](# "ref") --- # Have I focused
on **doctrine** and # neglected **action**? >>> + need **both** + be person of **integrity** + have **integral**, whole faith --- ## Faith that Acts [(Jam2b)](# "ref") 1. More than Intentions [15-17](# "ref") 2. Integral Life [18-19](# "ref") 3. **Impacts the Heart** [20-24](# "ref") >>> + to the point of **sacrifice** + willing to **relinquish** + God's **blessings** + **back** to Him --- Was not our father **Abraham**
considered **righteous** for what he did
when he **offered** his son Isaac on the altar? [James 2:21 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + What was Abraham's **faith**? + bg on **Abram** *(exalted father)* + before renamed **Abraham** *(father of many)* + Abram+Sarai were **childless** + **Read** Gen 15: --- After this, the word of the Lord
came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram.
I am your **shield**, your very great **reward**.” [Genesis 15:1 (NIV) (p. 1/4)](# "ref") >>> + **promise**: + **Protection** (shield) + **Providence** (reward) + fulfilled in **God** Himself + not just **gifts** from Him + but Abram not **satisfied** yet: --- [2](# "ref") But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord,
what can you **give** me since I remain **childless**
and the one who will **inherit** my estate
is Eliezer of Damascus?” [4](# "ref") Then the word of the Lord came to him:
“This man will not be your heir,
but a **son** who is your own flesh and blood
will be your **heir**.” [Genesis 15:2,4 (NIV) (p. 2/4)](# "ref") >>> + Eliezer was his **servant** --- He took him outside and said,
“Look up at the **sky** and count the **stars**
-- if indeed you can **count** them.” Then he said to him,
“So shall your **offspring** be.” [Genesis 15:5 (NIV) (p. 3/4)](# "ref") >>> + *(15-16)* God has **more** in store: + **suffering** in Egypt + **judgment** on oppressors + not just Abram's **personal** life + entire **nation** of Israel + blessing to **all nations** --- Abram **believed** the Lord,
and he **credited** it to him as **righteousness**. [Genesis 15:6 (NIV) (p. 4/4)](# "ref") >>> + *Gal* highlights this as + **defn** of righteousness: + Not just **lip service** + or **intellectual** assent + Take God **at His Word** + to the point of **action** + Reflected back in *James 2:24*: --- You see that a person is considered **righteous**
by what they **do** and not by faith **alone**. [James 2:24 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + **Trust** + **Obey** + But Abram's **faith** not **complete** yet! --- # Abram's Sojourn of Faith + God's **Promise** [(ch15)](# "ref") + Abram's **Impatience** [(ch16)](# "ref") + God's **Covenant** [(ch17)](# "ref") + God's **Faithfulness** [(ch21)](# "ref") + Abraham's **Faith** Completed [(ch22)](# "ref") >>> + **journey** of faith + including **failure** + Hagar + Ishmael (ch16) + God's **faithfulness** (ch18,21) + faith not **complete** until ch22: --- Then God said,
“Take your **son**, your **only** son,
whom you **love** -- **Isaac** --
and go to the region of Moriah. **Sacrifice** him there as a **burnt offering**
on a mountain I will show you.” [Genesis 22:2 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + *only*: of **promise** (not *Ishmael*) + **pagan** child sacrifice + not God's **character**? + **gives** / takes **away** *(Job 1:21)* + **authority** to do so + LORD **provided** on Mt Moriah + ram as **substitute** --- You see that his **faith** and his **actions**
were working **together**, and his faith was made **complete**
by what he **did**. [James 2:22 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + *Gen15:6*: **believed** → **righteous** + "ok God, I believe you" + not **complete** until *Gen 22* + willing to **relinquish** + Heb11: figured God could **raise** from dead + this **kind** of belief: to **action** + Gen 15 also quoted in **Gal 3**: --- Scripture foresaw that God
would **justify** the Gentiles **by faith**,
and announced the **gospel**
in advance to Abraham: “**All nations** will be **blessed** through you.” [9](# "ref") So those who **rely on faith**
are **blessed** along with Abraham,
the **man of faith**. [Galatians 3:8-9 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + We **follow** in his footsteps + justified not by **works** of law + nor by mental **assertion** + but **trust** in God's **promises** + via **obedience** to His **commands** --- # What must I **relinquish** to God # in obedient **faith**? >>> + **impacts** my heart + even **good** things, promised by God + focus not on **blessings** + but on person of God --- His **faith** and his **actions**
were working **together**, and his faith was made **complete**
by what he **did**. [James 2:22 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> **read** together ---